Our Performing/Fine Art Club emphasizes on developing the artistic side of students through facilitation of various teaching-learning process as well as amazing platforms.

Music classes, drama classes, art and craft/calligraphy classes provided to students to enhance their artistic knowledge. Also, they are given different platforms like drama, class social, junior kaleidoscope etc. to showcase their talents.


Music basically refers to vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. At Ace school, music classes, per grade level, are conducted twice a week, where one class is dedicated to vocal or singing and the other for playing instruments. The selection of songs differs for different grade levels. The choice would range from very common native song to the international chartbusters. Guitar, madal, keyboard are the three instruments which are facilitated to the children with option of adding up some more instruments with the increase in grade level and the demand of any particular instrument. Each student is made to play all the instruments during their different sessions. The instruments for the class are provided by the school which saves the children from the burden of carrying the instruments to school during their scheduled classes. Starting from the basics of music- Sa, Re, Ga, Ma- the children learn to sing in tune and handle the instruments as well as play some nice orchestra by the end of the session.


Dance is a performance art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement. Each movement has aesthetic and symbolic value, and is acknowledged as dance by performers and observers within a particular culture. Since dance involves movement of body, we have categorized it as one of the subjects of physical education. An hour’s dance class per week is allotted to students of each grade level. The students of each grade level dance to the rhythm of different song varying in the difficulty level of the steps according to the grade level. From traditional Nepali dance to various other dance forms like contemporary, hip hop, and dances of different countries are taught to the children. The beauty and glamour of different dance forms are reflected during various minor functions at school and some major ones like Dashain Festival and Annual Day.


Drama is an appealing form of performing art where one can express himself/herself enacting different roles. For students the platform for drama can be instrumental for exploring themselves on the field of creativity, teamwork, interest, career development etc.We invite directors who have worked in renowned theatre like Mandala for providing acting lessons to our students which helps to sharpen their skills. The students are given discretion to sit on those classes and learn about theatre environment, theatre technology, team work, time management, self-expression, real-life communication, script writing, reading etc.

The students are finally given opportunities to perform in annual drama through audition. Many of the students have performed excellently in our annual drama because of acting classes. Not only that, our students have got the opportunities to act in some national level films as well.


Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. At Ace School, Art education is not only confined to drawing or coloring but various other forms ranging from drawing, painting, printing, clay work and construction to knowledge about fabric and fiber. For each grade level, classes are conducted once a week giving them a time span of an hour per class. Art club, focusing on the children with inclination towards any form of Art Education will be conducted from this academic session.Besides the set curriculum of art that we follow at school, art classes are sometimes integrated with other subjects. The children find very interesting and take pleasure of such classes. The creativity in them takes a new dimension when they prepare for the end of term exhibition and are appreciated by all.Our children also participate in various Interschool art competitions. Though we have won some awards, winning is not the ultimate for us. What actually matters is the spirit of participation and the outcome, which is the exposure the children get to learn new concepts, techniques and ideas.