Language in the Elementary School involves two subjects. Learning a language is an integrated process in which the four forms – reading, writing, listening and speaking – are inseparable. Children learn language but, they also learn through language. These two principles are enshrined in the four strands of the curriculum.

- Receptiveness to language
- Competence and confidence in using language
- Developing cognitive abilities through language
- Emotional and imaginative development through language
Mathematics curriculum at Ace School encompasses a body of knowledge, skills and procedures that can be used in a rich variety of ways: to describe, demonstrate and interpret; to calculate; and to explain patterns and relationships in different strands that is dealt in the class.
- Number
- Algebra
- Shape & space
- Measures
- Data
The curriculum supports children to develop basic scientific skills through a knowledge and understanding science.
The curriculum is presented in two sections:
In skills section, we focus on building up the ability to describe the science process skills that the children should develop as they encounter topics in the curriculum.
- Living things
- Energy & forces
- Materials
- Environmental awareness & care.
Social studies in the elementary level consists of Geography and History. This subject provides opportunities for the children to explore investigate and develop an understanding of the natural, human, social and cultural dimensions of local and wider environments, to learn and practice a wide range of skills, and to acquire open, critical and responsible attitudes.
The curriculum is presented in two sections:
The skills section focuses on developing children’s ability of “Working as an historian” which includes familiarizing them with time and chronology, change and continuity, cause and effect, using evidence, synthesis and communication and empathy as they encounter different historical topics. Further, developing the sense of place and space, maps, globes and graphical skills and geographical investigation skills is also targeted.
- Myself and my family Story
- Early people and ancient stories
- Life, society, work and culture in the past
- Eras of change and conflict
- Continuity and change over time
- Human environments
- Natural environments
- Environmental awareness and care
The Elementary Computer Curriculum includes exploration of the Windows’ environment in a cumulative manner to increase the students’ comfort level and adeptness in navigating on the computer. The program provides an important foundation for our students, which is comprehensive and interdisciplinary, addressing major themes within the curriculum.
- Computer Basics
- Application
- Information Gathering
The arts education curriculum provides for a balance between expression and the child’s need to experience and respond to the visual arts, to music and to drama. It consists of two subjects: Visual Arts and Performing Arts comprising of Music and Drama. The curriculum enables children to explore and express ideas, feelings and experiences through music, drama and the visual arts.
Visual Arts:
The visual arts curriculum comprises interrelated activities in making art and in looking at and responding to art. It presents a range of activities in perceiving, exploring, responding to and appreciating the visual world. The curriculum consists of six strands:
- Drawing
- Paint and color
- Clay
- Construction
- Fabric and fiber
Performing Arts: Music
The music curriculum comprises listening and responding, performing and composing activities. Children are introduced to music reading and writing, to song singing and to playing classroom instruments.
The Music curriculum has three interrelated strands:
- Listening & Responding
- Performing
- Composing
Performing Arts: Drama
The drama curriculum comprises interrelated activities which explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding. It explores themes and issues, creates a safe context in which to do so, and provides for opportunities to reflect on the insights gained in the process. The curriculum includes the following strands:
- Exploring & making drama
- Reflecting on drama
- Cooperating & communication in making drama
Physical education is an integral part of the curriculum. This helps in physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of a child. This curriculum aims at overall development of children by helping them to lead a complete active and healthy life. The PE curriculum provides a balanced range of activities for children through the following four strands:
- Athletics/ Games
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Aquatics
Dance in education involves the child in creating, performing and appreciating movement as a means of expression and communication.
Following strands are included in Dance curriculum:
- Exploration, creation and performance of dance
- Understanding and appreciation of dance
The gymnastics curriculum encourages children to participate in movement experiences that are open to personal interpretation, providing every child with the opportunity to experience success at a personal level, by engaging in challenging but realistically achievable tasks.
The curriculum is dealt under following strands:
- Movement
- Understanding and appreciation of gymnastics
Athletics / Games
Athletics/Games involve the children participating in various activities of running, jumping, throwing and the natural tendency to create and play various informal play activities. The curriculum includes the following strands:
- Running
- Jumping
- Throwing
- Creating and playing games
- Understanding and appreciation of athletics/ games
Performing Arts: Drama
The drama curriculum comprises interrelated activities which explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding. It explores themes and issues, creates a safe context in which to do so, and provides for opportunities to reflect on the insights gained in the process. The curriculum includes the following strands:
- Exploring & making drama
- Reflecting on drama
- Cooperating & communication in making drama
The aquatics program is concerned with gaining competence and confidence near, in, under and on water. The strands mentioned below are taken into consideration in this curriculum:
- Hygiene
- Water safety
- Entry to and exit from the water
- Buoyancy and propulsion
- Stroke development
- Understanding and appreciation of aquatics
- Chinese Language and Culture
- Spanish Language and Culture
- Service Learning
- Outdoor Education
- Exhibition